Fiat 500X 2019 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Fiat 500X 2019 dimensions.

The Fiat 500X has a length of 4264 mm, a height of 1595 mm, a width of 1796 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2025 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. Because of its size, features and ground clearance of 16 cm, we classify the Fiat 500X in the category of compact SUV. This model from the year 2019 is 9 mm shorter, has the same width and 13 mm lower compared to the dimensions of the 2015 Fiat 500X.

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Current Fiat 500X dimensions to compare with previous models
Fiat 500X 2019 dimensions and boot space of 350 liters:

Last opinions on the Fiat 500X 2019 size:
✎ Milan, 10-09-2023 (4.6★/5)
✎ Porto, 05-09-2021 (5★/5)
The 500X Sport is very fun to drive, is well equiped and has a very nice look. With front and rear parking sensors and rear camera it's very easy to park.
The 500X Sport is very fun to drive, is well equiped and has a very nice look. With front and rear parking sensors and rear camera it's very easy to park.
Fiat 500X 2015 dimensions and boot space of 350 liters:

Last opinions on the Fiat 500X 2015 size:
✎ dubrovnik, 05-06-2023 (5★/5)
✎ Nottingham, 04-08-2022 (4.6★/5)
Easy to park and nice high ride a bit bouncy on 18inch wheels on my 2l 4x4 diesel. Acceleration may not be the fastest but great torque for overtaking. I found if you remove the cover over the spare in the boot the space increases by about 30% giving plenty of space. On long runs I average between 40 and 42 mpg.
Easy to park and nice high ride a bit bouncy on 18inch wheels on my 2l 4x4 diesel. Acceleration may not be the fastest but great torque for overtaking. I found if you remove the cover over the spare in the boot the space increases by about 30% giving plenty of space. On long runs I average between 40 and 42 mpg.
✎ Birmingham , 10-06-2021 (3★/5)
Poor mpg and small boot. Reliability and build quality are poor
Poor mpg and small boot. Reliability and build quality are poor
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Fiat 500X 2019:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Fiat 500X comparator with other vehicles

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Category of compact SUV

500X 2019 parking space simulator