BMW 4 Gran Coupe 2022 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

BMW 4 Gran Coupe 2022 dimensions.

The BMW 4 Gran Coupe has a length of 4783 mm, a height of 1442 mm, a width of 1852 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2081 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. This model from the year 2022 stands out for being 145 mm longer compared to the dimensions of the 2017 BMW 4 Gran Coupe.

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Current BMW 4 Gran Coupe dimensions to compare with previous models
BMW 4 Gran Coupe 2022 dimensions and boot space of 470 liters:

BMW 4 Gran Coupe 2017 dimensions and boot space of 480 liters:

Last opinions on the BMW 4 Gran Coupe 2017 size:
✎ Le Vesinet, 09-07-2022 (4.4★/5)
this car is very long. Difficult to park it in European parkings, esp. underground
this car is very long. Difficult to park it in European parkings, esp. underground
BMW 4 Gran Coupe 2014 dimensions and boot space of 480 liters:

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