Kia Ceed 2022 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Kia Ceed 2022 dimensions.

The Kia Ceed has a length of 4310 mm, a height of 1447 mm, a width of 1800 mm without the exterior mirrors and a measurement of 2055 millimeters with the mirrors unfolded. The mild hybrid model has a boot space of 357* liters. Because of its exterior size, we classify the Kia Ceed in the category of compact cars. This model from the year 2022 is the same size compared to the dimensions of the 2018 Kia Ceed.

Share your opinion on the size of your current car of any make:
Current Kia Ceed dimensions to compare with previous models
Kia Ceed 2022 dimensions and boot space of 395 liters:

Last opinions on the Kia Ceed 2022 size:
✎ Szigethalom, 25-11-2024 (4.8★/5)
Well, actually, after so many km (12300 km) I feel like I can give some stable opinion about the car, since I use it quite often, 2/3 on the highway and about 1/3 on short distances in small towns. The interior space is enough for us, although overall the rear legroom depends a lot on the front seats, which is supposedly still enough for people up to 180 cm tall, front/rear. Its performance and dynamics are very good, in line with the 253 Nm torque and 160 horsepower of the turbo engine. It is quiet and very comfortable in all road conditions. It has almost everything essential in terms of equipment. It has a very sporty appearance, in line with the Sport Fusion edition. Its consumption is also outstanding, even taking advantage of its sporty dynamics. Normally, the average is around 6.5 l, but in the city it
Well, actually, after so many km (12300 km) I feel like I can give some stable opinion about the car, since I use it quite often, 2/3 on the highway and about 1/3 on short distances in small towns. The interior space is enough for us, although overall the rear legroom depends a lot on the front seats, which is supposedly still enough for people up to 180 cm tall, front/rear. Its performance and dynamics are very good, in line with the 253 Nm torque and 160 horsepower of the turbo engine. It is quiet and very comfortable in all road conditions. It has almost everything essential in terms of equipment. It has a very sporty appearance, in line with the Sport Fusion edition. Its consumption is also outstanding, even taking advantage of its sporty dynamics. Normally, the average is around 6.5 l, but in the city it
✎ Gothenburg , 06-11-2023 (4.6★/5)
Kia Ceed 2018 dimensions and boot space of 395 liters:

Kia cee'd 2016 dimensions and boot space of 380 liters:

Last opinions on the Kia cee'd 2016 size:
✎ Nürnberg, 26-11-2023 (3.4★/5)
✎ Stockholm, 14-06-2023 (4.6★/5)
I wish the boot space was much bigger. Anything else in this cat is amazing.
I wish the boot space was much bigger. Anything else in this cat is amazing.
✎ Airdrie, 12-05-2022 (5★/5)
Great car and good space and on model"4" great spec
Great car and good space and on model"4" great spec
Kia cee'd 2012 dimensions and boot space of 380 liters:

Last opinions on the Kia cee'd 2012 size:
✎ Bulgaria, 10-11-2024 (5★/5)
Kia cee'd 2010 dimensions and boot space of 340 liters:

Last opinions on the Kia cee'd 2010 size:
✎ Espoo, 02-12-2022 (4.6★/5)
Comparison of new cars with similar size to the Kia Ceed 2022:
(Sorted from smallest to largest length. Click on any vehicle to compare photos of the interior and boot.)
Kia Ceed comparator with other vehicles

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