Lexus LBX 2024 dimensions, boot space and interior photos

Lexus LBX 2024 dimensions.

The Lexus LBX has a length of 4190 mm, a height of 1545 mm and a width of 1825 mm without the exterior mirrors. Because of its size, features and ground clearance, we classify the Lexus LBX in the category of small SUV.

Last opinions on the Lexus LBX size:
✎ Athens, 18-09-2024 (4.6★/5)
Overall a fantastic great full hybrid car. Very satisfied, i would appreciate a bit more rear space, trunk space as well welcomed. At least if the rear seats could move fwd-backwards to favor passengers' space or trunk space at will.
Overall a fantastic great full hybrid car. Very satisfied, i would appreciate a bit more rear space, trunk space as well welcomed. At least if the rear seats could move fwd-backwards to favor passengers' space or trunk space at will.
✎ Italy, 17-09-2024 (4.6★/5)
Convenient and comfortable ride. The ADAS work perfectly, the navigator is precise and consumption is excellent in the city and good on the highway. The internal dimensions are perfect for a couple or a single without children. The external dimensions make it very agile in the city.
Convenient and comfortable ride. The ADAS work perfectly, the navigator is precise and consumption is excellent in the city and good on the highway. The internal dimensions are perfect for a couple or a single without children. The external dimensions make it very agile in the city.
✎ London, 23-07-2024 (3★/5)
Since late May we hired & driven an LBX (2nd lowest grade) for nearly two months while driving around the UK - so we have done 1000’s of kms in all sorts of conditions, on all sorts & quality of roads from very small country lanes where you have to fold your wing mirrors in - to motorways - with 2 large suitcases & 2 carry ons - that do fit in the boot It certainly is economical. BUT it is smaller inside - both in the front and especially the rear - than the almost brand new CHR GR Sport hybrid (and the old 2023 model) we hired for a similar length of time last year. It also has some negatives compared to the CHR - such as not liking hills… the 3 cylinder screams when struggling up a hill - while the 1.8L CHR didn’t have such problems. It’s Sat Nat is shocking = It is off my short list.
Since late May we hired & driven an LBX (2nd lowest grade) for nearly two months while driving around the UK - so we have done 1000’s of kms in all sorts of conditions, on all sorts & quality of roads from very small country lanes where you have to fold your wing mirrors in - to motorways - with 2 large suitcases & 2 carry ons - that do fit in the boot It certainly is economical. BUT it is smaller inside - both in the front and especially the rear - than the almost brand new CHR GR Sport hybrid (and the old 2023 model) we hired for a similar length of time last year. It also has some negatives compared to the CHR - such as not liking hills… the 3 cylinder screams when struggling up a hill - while the 1.8L CHR didn’t have such problems. It’s Sat Nat is shocking = It is off my short list.
✎ hobart, 09-11-2023 (4.6★/5)
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